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Select Agency
AAFES - Army Air Force Exchange Service
ACOE - Army Corps of Engineers
AFMC - Air Force Material Command
AFRH - Armed Forces Retirement Home
AGRI - Department of Agriculture
AID - Agency for International Development
AL - At-Large Locals
AMS - Agricultural Marketing Service
ANG - Air National Guard
APHIS - Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service
ARMY - Army
ARMYJMC - Army Joint Munitions Command
ARS - Agriculture Research Service
BLM - Bureau of Land Management
BOP - Bureau of Prisons
BOR - Bureau of Reclamation
BPA - Border Patrol
CDC - Center for Disease Control
CENS - Bureau of Census
CIS - Citizenship and Immigration Services
CMS - Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services
CNRSE - Command Navy Region Southeast
CPSC - Consumer Product Safety Commission
CSI - Chemical Security Inspectors
CSOSA - Court Services and Offender Supervision Agency
DCAA - Defense Contract Audit Agency
DCMA - Defense Contract Management Agency
DEA - US Department of Educational Activities
DECA - Defense Commissary Agency
DFAS - Defense Finance Accounting Services
DFC - U.S. International Development Finance Corporation
DHA - Defense Health Agency
DHSHQ - Department of Homeland Security HQ
DISA - Defense Information Systems Agency
DLA - Defense Logistics Agency
DMEDA - Defense Media Agency
DOD - Department of Defense
DODDS - Department of Defense Dependents Schools
DODEA - DOD Education Activity
DOE - Department of Energy
DOED - Department of Education
DOI - Department of the Interior
DOL - Department of Labor
DOLET - Department of Labor Employee and Training Administration
DOLFC - Department of Labor Office of Federal Contract Comp Program
DOLFE - Department of Labor Workers Comp. Federal
DOLHQ - Department of Labor Headquarters
DOLJC - Department of Labor Job Corps
DOLLO - Department of Labor Workers Compensation Longshore
DOLLS - Department of Labor Statistics
DOLMS - Department of Labor Mine Safety and Health Administration
DOLPW - Department of Labor (Pension and Welfare Benefits)
DOLSH - Department of Labor Safety and Health Administration
DOLSL - Department of Labor Office of The Solicitor
DOLVE - Department of Labor Veterans Employment And Training Services
DOLWH - Department of Labor Wage And Hour Division
DOS - Department of State
DOT - Department of Transportation
EDA - Economic Development Administration
EEOC - Equal Employment Opportunity
EOIR - Executive Office of Immigration Review
EPA - Environmental Protection Agency
ERS - Economic Research Services
FAA - Federal Aviation Administration
FDA - Food and Drug Administration
FEMA - Federal Emergency Management Agency
FERC - Federal Energy Regulatory Com
FGIS - Federal Grain Inspection Service
FHA - Farmers Home Administration
FISCSE - Fleet Industrial Supply Center Southeast Region
FMCSA - Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration
FNS - Food and Nutrition Service
FPAC - Farm Production and Conservation Business Center (FPAC)
FPS - Federal Protective Service
FS - Forest Service
FSA - Farm Service Agency
FSIS - Food Safety and Inspection
FTA - Federal Transit Administration
GSA - General Services Administration
HHS - Health and Human Services
HUD - Housing and Urban Development
IBWC - International Boundary and Water Commission
ICE - Immigration and Customs Enforcement
ICE-PRO - Immigration and Customs Enforcement Professional Staff (Attorneys)
IMLS - Institute of Museum and Library Services
MCC - Millennium Challenge Corporation
MEPS - Military Entrance Processing Service
MINT - United States Mint
MWAA - Metropolitan Washington Airports Authority
NAF - Non-Appropriated Funds
NARA - National Archives and Records Administration
NASA - National Aeronautics and Space Administration
NAVFACSE - Navy Facilities Region Southeast
NAVY - Navy
NAVYSE - Navy Region Southeast
NEA - National Endowment of the Arts
NEH - National Endowment Humanities
NG - National Guard
NGA - National Gallery of Art
NGT - National Guard Technician
NHTSA - National Highway Traffic Safety Administration
NIFA - National Institute For Food and Agriculture
NIH - National Institute of Health
NIOSH - National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health
NOAA - National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
NPS - National Park Service
NPSNE - National Parks Service Northeast Region
NRCS - Natural Resources Conservation Service
NSF - National Science Foundation
NUSTL - NUST National Urban Security Technology Laboratory
OASAM - Office of the Assistant Secretary for Administration and Management
OCFO - Office of the Chief Financial Officers
OCIO - Office of the Chief Information Officer
OGC - Office of the General Counsel
OPM - Office of Personnel Management
OSMRE - Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement
OST - Office of the Secretary of Transportation
PFPA - Pentagon Force Protection Agency
PHMSA - Pipeline and Hazardous Material Safety Administration
PS - Private Sector
RD - Rural Development
RHS - Rural Housing Service
RRB - Railroad Retirement Board
SBA - Small Business Administration
SI - Smithsonian Institute
SSAFA - Social Security Administration Field Assessment
SSAFO - Social Security Administration Field Office
SSAGC - Social Security Administration General Committee
SSAHQ - Social Security Administration Headquarters
SSAODAR - Social Security Administration Office of Disability Adjudication and Review
SSAOHA - Social Security Administration OHA
SSAOHO - Social Security Office of Hearing Operations
SSAPC - Social Security Administration Payment Center
SSATSC - Social Security Administration Teleservice Centers
TSA - Transportation Security Administration
USAF - United States Air Force
USAGM - U.S. Agency for Global Media
USCG - US Coast Guard
USDA - US Department of Agriculture
USDAGN - US Department of Agriculture General
USGS - US Geological Survey
USM - United States Marshals
USMC - United States Marine Corp
USUHS - Uniform Services University of the Health Sciences
VA - Veterans Administration
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